Tuna Fish Tortilla

Tuna fish tortilla


4 Tortilla Mexicana Grandissima
2 cans of tuna
1 leek
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 can of red beans
3 cloves of garlic
100g of Gouda or Edam cheese
3dcl of bechamel sauce
70g of parmesan cheese
Tomato sauce


Sauté finely chopped leeks in olive oil, then add drained tuna, garlic, tomato sauce, beans, and other ingredients. Simmer briefly. Leave to cool, then mix grated cheese into the whole mixture. Prepare 3 dcl of bechamel sauce and add a little bit of tomato pure and parmesan. Fill tortillas with stuffing, arrange in an ovenware and pour over the prepared sauce. Place in a hot oven and bake for 15 minutes at 200 ° C, until a fine crust is formed.

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